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Authors indicated in colours (not white) belong to our Lab. Corresponding authors are  shown by *


1)  Tsutomu Furuzono*, Yoshinano Azuma, Yuichi Niigawa, Yasumichi Kogai, Yoshiki Sawa.

"Preparation and Characterizations of Dispersible Fluorinated Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles with Weak Antibacterial Activity"

ASAIO Journal (American Society of Artificial Internal Organs) (in printing)



2)  Kazunobu Matsushita*, Yoshinao Azuma, Tomoyuki Kosaka, ToshiharuYakushi, Hisashi Hoshida, Rinji Akada, and Mamoru Yamada.

"Genomic analyses of thermotolerant microorganisms used for high-temperature fermentations"

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (Published online: 13 Nov 2015, in printing)

IF= 1.1


3)  Mikihiko Kawai, Norie Higashiura, Kimie Hayasaki, Naruhei Okamoto, Akiko Takami, Hideki Hirakawa, Kazunobu Matsushita, Yoshinao Azuma*.

"Complete genome and gene expression analyses of Asaia bogorensis reveal unique response to culture with mammalian cells as a potential opportunistic human pathogen"

DNA Res, 2015 Oct;22(5):357-66

IF= 5.0


4)  Mohd. Akhlakur Rahman, Mutsunori Shirai, Md. Abdul Aziz, Rie Ushirokita, Sayuri Kubota, Harumi Suzuki, Yoshinao Azuma*.

"An epistatic effect of apaf-1 and caspase-9 on chlamydial infection"

Apoptosis Volume 20, Issue 10 (2015), Page 1271-1280



5)  Minenosuke Matsutani, Kohei Ito, Yoshinao Azuma, Hidetaka Ogino, Mutsunori Shirai, ToshiharuYakushi, and Kazunobu Matsushita*.

"Adaptive mutation related to cellulose producibility in Komagataeibacter medellinensis (Gluconacetobacter xylinus) NBRC 3288"

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2015) 99:7229–7240



6)  Tsutomu Furuzono*, Mazumder Motaharul, Yasumichi Kogai, Yoshinao Azuma, Yoshiki Sawa

"Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Calcinated Ag-Doped Nano-Hydroxyapatite with dispersible property"

The International Journal of Artificial Organs 2015 May;38(5):251-8.



7)  山田守*,赤田倫治,高坂智之,東 慶直,星田尚司,松下一信




8)  岡本成平、山本美佳、塩村紗奈、熊田彩花、状家佳苗、上野未菜子、田村章広、武部 聡東 慶直*

「酢酸菌Acetobacter pasteurianus NBRC3283を用いた細胞融合法と育種法による耐熱性食酢醸造菌の創出と田村造酢(株)監修による食酢醸造試験」

近畿大学生物理工学部紀要35, 17-32 (2015)

Publications in 2015

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